On top of what I mentioned previously about my concern that my tinnitus would mean that my podcast would have fuzzy noises I would not be able to hear and thus edit out, the visual component of this is also something that is giving me anxiety. This is due to two reasons: 1. I couldn’t… Continue reading 3b. Podcast Visuals For The Non-Aesthetic
Author: anngagne
Intro Episode Transcript
Here is the transcript : Intro to Podcast Test Transcript [Theme song Wake Up You Must Remember by Orthothonics] 0-0:17 0:16-0:18 Hello and welcome to the first episode. 0:19-0:34 I think it’s kind of funny that at time where I spent the large majority of almost twelve years of my life on Twitter, talking about,… Continue reading Intro Episode Transcript
2a. The one where Ann records something
So I recorded a whole 2 plus minutes of something. I am going to be honest and say it was really scary, but I did it. The reason why it was scary is because I know my hearing is not the same as others, and I worry that there will be low key background noise… Continue reading 2a. The one where Ann records something
My sound redux
As hinted to in my previous post, I am definitely wanting to go for a more monologue sound. This is a bit different than what I am seeing out there, and it is definitely different than the conversational style of sound I had when I had a radio show in undergrad (you know in the… Continue reading My sound redux
Listen-In Journal (1a)
I have been listening to podcasts since about 2005. It was a great way to pretend I was doing something instead of research and writing my dissertation. I would listen in to folk talking about literary analysis and it made me forget that I should be doing my own literary analysis. The podcasts I choose… Continue reading Listen-In Journal (1a)