This was a helpful first assignment because I probably do not often listen to podcasts (or perhaps I just don’t think I do).
I have listened to audiobooks, old original and revamped radio dramas. There is something about the creativity of audio without the visual that is refreshing. For radio dramas, interviews, or a program with more than one host, there are more opportunities to engage the listener with the different participants and effects. For audiobooks with a single narrator reading off the pages of a book, or a single host for a program with no other participants, to keep the listener engaged is a talent of its own.
Thank you for providing a variety of podcasts to listen to. I tried to listen to different styles such as: “Home Cooking – Kohlrabi: Turnip for What?”, “Hardcore History – Human Resources (The Atlantic Slave Trade)”, 2 episodes from “On the Media”, “Terry Greene’s Getting Air – CogDog Brings OEG Voices to Gettin’ Air”, “Dear Sugar – Haunted by Ghosting” and “Revisionist History – the Mennonite National Anthem (Lester Glick in the Minnesota Starvation Experiment)”. The two podcasts that stood out for me were the podcasts from “Hardcore History” and “Revisionist History”. Between the two, I think what kept my interest was Dan Carlin and Malcom Gladwell’s ability to share the “story” of actual events of a more serious nature with a certain angle which invites you to pause, think and perhaps reassess ones thinking. The two were very different in that the first only had Dan Carlin speaking for the portion I listened to, whereas the second included music to match the moment, Malcolm Gladwell as the main voice, someone different narrating parts of Lester Glick’s diary, and interviews with Lester Glick’s children.
Whether one has special audible effects or not in the podcast, besides having something worth sharing, having a good narrator/storyteller/interviewer is of great benefit.
Great insights here! I think listening to podcasts is an important first step because it’s hard to develop a sound within the context of a genre without some familiarity. You did some broad and thoughtful listening, and I totally agree with your conclusion that the voice is everything. What works for one listener might not for another, but I have definitely abandoned listening to podcasts where I enjoyed the content but did not click with the central voice.