The kind of podcast I envision myself having is one that is clearly finite from the outset and is a conversational style. I have considered this before but with time realize that is what I would really like to do. There are a couple of reasons for this. I need something finite for my own self management. Something like an 8 episode series would strike a balance between doing it as well as I can with planning, and considering and not feeling burdened. 8 episodes sounds like fun. The podcast I had not heard before and was recommended through the Amplify Podcast Network with this activity is For the Wild. Which may be why I am suddenly needing a project to be finite as so much of it is about the end of the world being on our doorstep. I have to get these things done before it all comes crashing in.
Finite is very important! I have learned that the hard way. Once you’re deep into an open-ended podcast, it can be hard to know when to let it go (I actually wonder this about You Got This! as I look toward Season 3 — it is still a good use of resources?).