Planning Our Sound

What podcast format are you leaning towards, and why? What do you think that format will offer for what you hope to accomplish?

Option 1: Me and another cool #HigherEd human spitballing about the news of the week and having some cool guests on once in a while.

Option 2: Me solo interviewing people in #HigherEd.

TBH, the first one is more appealing because I feel like having a partner would keep me motivated. We could also have some variety that way, so we’d have shows discussing a hot topic and then some with guests, and maybe we could combine the two, so that sometimes the guests talk about their work but also about the hot topic.

What “segments” will your show have? Listeners often appreciate an anchoring structure. For example, on You Got This!, we open with an essay or brief monologue, then share our feature interview, and close with a “Tiny Teaching Tip.” Having an established rhythm can also help you conceptualize your show.

I would like a segment called “My Higher Ed Origin Story” where a guest shares what brought them to work in higher ed.

Maybe also something about “walking each other home” ala Ram Dass as the end, so a chance for people to share how they are caring for themselves or others or what challenges them about self/community care.

Come up with a list of adjectives to describe the tone you hope to achieve for your show. Try to find five. For example, Brenna describes the tone she aspires to for You Got This! as encouraging, friendly, conversational, easygoing, and honest.

snarky, sarcastic, truth-telling, goofy, feminist

What do you want your theme song to sound like? Spend some time exploring Free Music Archive to find something that might be suitable, and share it with us.

The first thing that came to mind is Road to Nowhere by the Talking Heads. How much would that cost?

Do you imagine including sound effects in your show? If so, what do you hope they will achieve? See if you can find something that fits your vibe by exploring the Wikimedia archive, or by recording something in your world for use to listen to. Share it by linking or upload to your post!

That seems like something I would remember to do once and then never again.


  1. Ooh, I want to know more about “walking each other home”. It sounds like a lovely segment and a nice way to end each episode.

    1. Hi! I don’t really know what I meant by that LOL. So I’ll try to sort it out here in my response to you. Thank you for asking. I guess I thought I’d read the Ram Dass quote and then ask people how they are walking themselves and others home. I’ll probably need to clarify that by that I mean how are they caring for themselves, others, and our world.

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