I was fortunate to have a few audio bits still in the hopper, for my audio experiment this week. This is from a conversation I had with Jon Fulton, May 2020! While this seems like an eternity ago, we have been collaborating on various Teaching with Video projects over the years. When we went into lockdown, I had the chance to prototype an idea for a MediaCast!, a podcast about Educational Media, and actually got pretty far along in terms of developing a structure, a workflow and a purpose. As life got turned upside down, the whole thing kinda fizzled out to be honest, but I’m getting inspired being in the masterclass here, who knows what could happen.
I really, really like the audio intro here, and also you do an interesting thing with how you layer your voice over the music (I also really like the use of sound effects — there’s a genuine playfulness here that I really appreciate).