Stepping Towards First Steps

I am a huge fan of recorded music. One of the main features of my living space is several shelves of vinyl records. In my mid-twenties I hosted a weekly music show on my local university’s community radio station. When I am working at home there is almost always a record or CD playing in the background.

This is to say that when I consider aural media, this is bandwidth which has been historically occupied by jazz, rock, and other kinds of music.

That said, I am intrigued by podcasts— my personal history with them is hovering between Year Zero and Year One. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discover podcasts in a wide variety of areas— and hopefully contributing to this space.

If I were to envision what a podcast would look like that I would listen to, I could see some educational technology topics— aware as I am that there is likely a plethora of these to be discovered— but my immediate impulse is a VINYL RECORDS PODCAST.

Meditation has also become an important influence in my life— and so a meditation podcast would be something that I would listen to, although not something I’d feel knowledgeable or comfortable to produce. Similarly, the professional sports that I follow are— to be sure— more than covered in the pod-sphere.

Much of my interest in learning to podcast— and in this learning experience— is to help support those who are involved in podcasting; from a technical standpoint and from a teaching and learning standpoint.

I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to participating in this journey with everyone else.

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