It was inevitable that my podcast listening would be done largely at night before bed. My Grandad had a habit of tuning in to the 11pm news each night, and would use a single earbud connected to the radio so as not to disturb Nana. On nights that I would sleep over, I would get to have a turn listening to whatever show came on next, and from that point on my connection to “ear snacks” in the evening was set.
Skip ahead 25 years, and I am glued to the sounds of Art Bell coming in so distant and choppy on the AM radio in Montreal, you could really only get a clear signal after midnight. Then, the radio is under my pillow so I could keep the sound low and not disturb my girlfriend.
Skip another 25, and here we are in a podcast utopia, a “radiotopia” even. My old habits persist. I am still tuning in most nights before bed, before sleeping actually, and am back to using the one ear bud technique. These days I have a bunch of History podcasts in heavy rotation. This genre seems to be comprised of single narrator, monologue formats like Hardcore History for eg. (who produces approx 2 episodes a year of several hours in length). The emphasis is on deep research and a well planned script which is adhered to. Recent selections with a range of production values and a few notes.
- History of the Crusades – [avg run time: 30 min] * Medium recording quality. Little to no music, sound effects or conversation. My gateway so to speak (after hardcore history) A really terrible and long history of violence. I was trying to gain some ancient context about Jerusalem and medieval times. I burnt out on this one after the third crusade.
- Tides of History – [avg run time: 50 min] ** Pro quality recording, primarily narration with a few interviews. From pre history to the modern world. Still going strong after 5 seasons. Uses some moving background music for each ‘summary’, which precedes each recording, adding drama sort of like a cover page.
- Fall of Civilizations – [avg run time: 180 min] *** Exceptional quality and absorbing experience. This one is the best. Includes many ambient sounds to immerse you into the stories, some re-enactments with actors, and at least one musical interlude per episode. Works great as a podcast, but all episodes come as videos on youtube with finely curated visuals.
After reviewing my list and reflecting, I am wondering why I am drawn to these kinds of podcasts at the moment. They are all different lengths, but are easily binge-able. They deal with subjects I know little or nothing about and want to. They are all pretty grim. Also, should I be looking for listening to some open lectures or courses on history, or perhaps on audio book would be better? Is the podcast what I am looking for right now?!
Next reflection: My first recording – Is that thing on?
I’ve seen more and more people release podcasts to accompany or supplement YouTube videos and am curious about this. Some things benefit from a visual format, but I wonder if a lot of these videos don’t really need the video part?
Also, I completely also do the one earbud thing. I listen to podcasts while doing household errands and keep one ear free in case anyone needs to ask me anything!