Who would want to listen to me?

Who would want to listen to me?

I have been helping people create podcasts and other audio recordings for many years, but I have never started my own podcast. Why would I?

There are millions of terrific podcasts, so many that I can’t keep up with the ones I have found and like. Why would I add to the cacophony of voices on the web?

Having said that I would still like to try. So what do I have to say that others haven’t said. Does it have to be original or just from me? I have thought of doing one on craft beer as that is something dear to my heart, but how can I compete with thebeerists who are at 500 shows, are terrifically funny have exquisite palettes and access to way more beer than I do?

Okay, how about one on Film; film studies, film theory, german expressionism, high art film, low art film, Marvel films, film music, cinematography? ugh how to focus.

The one idea I did have is that since my kids have outgrown geocaching with me, I could do a geocaching podcast. Okay, probably some of those out there, but instead of looking I decided to twist the idea and do a podcast of me looking for geocaches; recorded live. I am twisting this from Jon Mooallem’s WALKING podcast. He literally goes for walks and just records the ambience of his surroundings. So since I have a cool little lav mic with a big puff ball to block wind noise I think I can get some decent recordings outside while I bike or hike around looking for caches.

It’s a start anyway.

photo of lav microphone with wind reducer

PS – my most listened to podcast would be Hello From The Magic Tavern. Fantasy improv!


  1. I *LOVE* the idea of a live geocaching podcast. I haven’t geocached but I am a trail runner and hiker and generally only feel good in nature and I love the idea of combining the two. Generally I am interested in place as a topic, and as we build a podcast studio in the makerspace I am excited about lending kits to students and faculty to go into the world, to their places, and record audio.

    What is the mic you got there?

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